What can and can not in the case of varicose veins

In the case of varicose veins of the Patient in your life should change style, they in some things. The limitations are not so much. You don't know what you are doing is absolutely in the case of varicose veins.

Main-Ban – Lack Of Exercise

Healthy veins in the legs

One of the most important contraindications for varicose veins lack of movement is. The function of the veins is that you draw the blood from the extremities to the heart and lungs. The movement of the muscles help to push the blood upwards. Thanks to the activity of muscular system is the System of veins works the flaps, prevents the reverse flow of blood. Varicose veins comes, when the work of the valves is broken and any movement only aggravated this process.

A negative impact on the condition of the veins and static voltage. So, prolonged standing or sitting causes Stagnation of blood in the veins and their expansion.

The negative factor in the development of varicose veins is obesity, an additional burden on the veins of the extremities. Therefore, if you are overweight, then it should be to fight, primarily through physical exercises. And what Sport can learn with varicose veins, you more below.

Fitness for varicose veins

Perhaps the most useful type of physical activity in varicose veins is swimming. First of all, during the journey the feet of no small part of the load, and the density of water, so that the blood does not stagnate in the veins.

If you are not overweight, what are varicose veins useful race walking. For people with excess weight suitable for Hiking at a reasonable pace, to normalize until you are able to weight.

If you exercises like to force, in the case of varicose veins, is desirable, the exercises that are performed lying down or not sitting, in order to charge too much leg. Also permitted, Yoga, Oriental and Latin-American dances.

Fitness with varicose veins: what is prohibited?

If you have varicose veins, then you should forget about sports, where you have to run and jump. You say run a clear "no", Steppe, Aerobic, jump rope, and some kinds of dances.

Also, you should forget about poles and other exercises in conjunction with weight lifting. Remember that the varicose veins lifting is not recommended that the severity of more than 3-5 kg.

Hot-process: can I go in the Sauna and shower with varicose veins?

Varicose veins legs are not like to be hot. Keep your feet away from heaters and other heat sources. Hot shower, steam room and Sauna are a contraindication for varicose veins. Even if they inherited no varicose veins, but there is to it predisposition (for example), then they are not recommended for hot water applications.

But contrast showers, on the contrary, useful. And still useful after each bathing or showering pour legs with cold water.

Diet for varicose veins

No significant restrictions in the case of varicose veins does not. The only to sacrifice what the meat broths, marinades and smoked foods, the blood vessels against the activity of the blood. And in the other, diet for varicose veins is not very different from the usual diet.

If you have problems with your outflow of fluid from the body, is, limit the intake of salt to avoid water retention in the vessels an additional burden on the blood.

Varicose veins in women usually occurs or progresses during pregnancy. And usually during the second or subsequent... With increasing duration of pregnancy increases the risk of development of varicose veins.

On a rigid diet, there is a sense, if you are suffering from obesity. Then a calories shows diet which helps to lose weight and feel better. You will see how with each lost kilogram of them will become increasingly easier.

Varicose veins doctors advise you enrich your diet a variety of fruits and vegetables to supply the body with necessary vitamins, primarily Vitamin C, Rutin, bioflavonoids and other biologically active substances.